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complaints – Internal Affairs

Need to file a complaint?

If you have a complaint or problem with the manner in which your call for police service was handled please call Internal Affairs at our regular office number: 901-636-4955.  Or, call the CONFIDENTIAL HOTLINE at 901-576-4979.


Inspectional Services is made up of the Internal Affairs Squad and the Security Squad. Inspectional Services conducts all internal investigations involving police personnel, as well as other sensitive investigations. Officers assigned to these units are appointed by the Director of Police and are considered to be highly experienced investigators.

Internal Affairs
The purpose of the Internal Affairs Squad is to define responsibilities and establish procedures for sworn members of this department for dealing with observed or reported allegations or misconduct. Internal Affairs investigates all complaints lodged against police personnel. These complaints can range from verbal abuse to brutality. The majority of these complaints fall under three categories: Personal Conduct, Use of Force and Arrest, and Duty Performance.

Security Squad
The Security Squad investigates all shooting incidents involving police officers and any complaints regarding possible criminal misconduct against employees. These investigations include accusations against officers, city employees from various departments, and other administrative investigations. 

The Security Squad is also responsible for teaching Deadly Force lectures at the Training Academy for new police recruits and during In-Service Training for veteran officers. Their Deadly Force lecture was also part of the training received by all citizens enrolled in the Citizen’s Police Academy.

Internal Affairs Squad/Security Squad
2714 Union Extended
Memphis, TN 38104
Fax: 901-458-9146 or 901-458-9157

Suite 600 – IAB
Suite 700 – Security Squad