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Corporate Social Responsibility

Giving Back to Memphis

We give back to our city in many ways. Our team partners with organizations across the Mid-South to give back to their communities.

Operation Feed is Mid-South Food Bank’s largest food and funds drive of the year, providing food and funds to purchase food for the busy summer months, when children are out of school and the need for food assistance. It’s also a friendly competition. 

United Way United Way’s new, innovative approach to providing people in poverty with guidance, help, and a map of services they help create so they can take the proper steps at the right times to escape poverty and live the life of their dreams. United Way of the Mid-South’s mission is to improve the quality of life for Mid-Southerners by mobilizing and aligning community resources to address priority issues.

 Angel Tree-is a traditional Salvation Army program designed to enable community members to personally provide these vital items to specific children in need. Angel Tree delivers Christmas magic to more than 4000 children and seniors through hands-on volunteers by the  adoption of Angels.

Junior Achievement (JA) of Memphis and the Mid-South has been dedicated to educating students about entrepreneurship, work readiness and financial literacy since 1955. Through an extensive offering of experiential, hands-on programs JA empowers students by helping them discover the tools they need to own their economic success.