The City of Memphis Division of Solid Waste Management will soon implement a new route schedule for garbage, recycling, and yard waste collection in the contracted area. The recent de-annexation of parts of Cordova, coupled with growth patterns in the affected area, created the need to rebalance routes to improve collection services. Differential growth has resulted in service delays. Rebalancing allows equipment and personnel to be deployed most efficiently and effectively. As a result, 22,672 Memphis households will see a change in their collection day, bulk week schedule, or both. The changes will take effect the week of March 1, 2021.
The purpose of changing the route structure is largely due to Memphis’s recent de-annexation. Currently, the department’s daily routes are out of balance as a result. On Mondays, Tuesdays, and Wednesdays, more households are serviced than on Thursdays and Fridays. By changing the collection schedule, daily routes will be more balanced, ensuring more reliable service and optimal resource use.
The Division will send reminders to all customers affected by these changes. Customers also may use the maps feature on the City website, found at, to determine if they will have a service change this March.
In February, customers affected by these changes will receive a placard on their garbage cart instructing them how to receive their new service schedule. Calendars are available for download at using the Memphis Curbside Collection App. The City of Memphis Solid Waste Management Division strongly suggests all households use their calendars as reference guides during this change.
For additional information about these changes, call 311 or visit the City of Memphis website at