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Memphis City Leaders & Developers Seek Community Input About Expansion Plans for the West Shelby Drive Area

Memphis City Leaders & Developers Seek Community Input About Expansion Plans for the West Shelby Drive Area

The Southwest Memphis Growth and Opportunities Project (GO Project) Holds its First City-Wide Community Meeting to Share Development Options

Memphis, Tenn. – Fisher Arnold, a Memphis area engineering and development firm, is leading the GO Project in Southwest Shelby County. Funded by the City of Memphis, developers are conducting feasibility studies on whether there could be better connectivity to the Pidgeon Industrial Park through Shelby Drive or by creating a nearby roadway. In recent months, the project planners have sought feedback from those in that specific area to see how that community could benefit from possible improvements.  Three development options currently being explored can be reviewed at The most popular option among the GO Project Advisory Committee Members would widen and expand Shelby Drive west of Third Street through the Coro Lake area. The group of Coro Lake community leaders and neighbors have been meeting with City Leaders and Developers in recent months to discuss the plans. 

WHAT: Southwest Memphis GO Project Community Meeting

WHERE: Jerusalum Baptist Church, 1761 W. Shelby Drive

WHEN: Tuesday, November 1 at 5:30 p.m.