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Memphians invited to share their love for city in #OurMemphis campaign 

Memphians invited to share their love for city in #OurMemphis campaign 

#OurMemphis, a social media movement meant to show love to our city. Like any place in the world, we are not without our problems, and we don’t let them define us because together, we are stronger. For everyone residing, working, playing and praying in this magnificent city, we realize Memphis is a place with so much more to give and so many stories to share.   

This is what #OurMemphis is all about: All Memphians capturing special moments and collectively creating a love letter to Memphis. The campaign launches Feb. 14 and the entire city is encouraged to take part. If you have a Memphis story, a smart phone, and a deep and abiding love for your city, we hope you will share your favorite part about being a Memphian in a video message or a post, using the #OurMemphis hashtag.    

We will feature #OurMemphis content on our social media platforms throughout the year.