In accordance with the Governor’s Issuance of Executive Order 70 and the Tennessee State Supreme Court Order dated 12-22-2020 In Re: COVID-19 PANDEMIC, the Judges of the Memphis Municipal Courts are suspending in-court appearances effective at the Close of Business December 28, 2020, and extending until the close of business Friday January 29, 2021.
Citizens with court appearances in Division 1, 2 & 3 of Municipal Court are directed to call the City Court Clerk’s office at 636-3400, 636-3450 for further information. If you have tickets for the following violations: driver’s license, proof of insurance or vehicle registration you may send the documents to the division you are scheduled to appear., and
Please include the ticket/citation number, current address, cell number and email address.
It is our hope that this break in service will have minimal impact on the citizens of Memphis. Please visit the City Court Clerks webpage on the City of Memphis’ website: court clerk for further information.
Thank you for your cooperation.
Tarik B. Sugarmon Myron Lowery
Administrative Judge Court Clerk
Memphis Municipal Courts City of Memphis