On Sunday, March 14, Daylight Saving Time will begin. Residents across this city will adjust their clocks, cell phones and computer devices. The changing of the batteries in your smoke and carbon monoxide alarms are important changes that could possibly save lives, prevent injuries and minimize property damage. This is an excellent time to make these changes.
The Memphis Fire Department recommends that citizens change the batteries in their smoke alarm and carbon monoxide alarm whenever time changes. According to the United States Fire Administration (USFA), the risk of dying in a residential fire is reduced by 82 percent in homes equipped with working smoke alarms and automatic or residential fire sprinklers, when compared with homes lacking them. Smoke alarms and carbon monoxide alarms should be tested at least once a month and the batteries changed twice a year.
Smoke alarms should be properly installed and maintained in or near each sleeping area and on every level of the home. Follow the manufacturer’s instructions for correct placement and mounting height of smoke and carbon monoxide alarms. Dust or vacuum the alarms to ensure that they are free of dust build-up and debris. The 10-year lithium battery cannot be replaced; therefore, the entire smoke alarm should be replaced according to the manufacturer’s instructions.
Practicing these simple safety procedures significantly increases your chances of survival. City of Memphis residents can apply for a free smoke alarm by contacting the Fire Museum of Memphis at (901) 636-5650 or apply on-line at: https://www.memphistn.gov/government/firedepartment/free-smoke-alarm-application/.