The City of Memphis is preparing for the potential effects of high wind and heavy rains beginning Friday night and Saturday morning. Crews are prepping for the storm by inspecting and clearing storm drains, inlets, and checking other essential areas.
City streets sometimes experience standing water in some low-lying areas for a short duration due to drainage systems being overwhelmed by the amount of rainfall. To help alleviate this, please do not put loose trash or debris in the street next to the curb or near drains. These types of temporary ponding typically subside once heavier rainfall amounts end. If such areas do not drain off quickly please notify the City so that it can be investigated.
The City is encouraging residents who’ve had instances of water entering their homes or accumulating on their property to take early measures to prevent or divert water by clearing storm drains near their homes because crews will not be able to take care of every drain inlet. Clearing gutters, downspouts and nearby storm drains can help reduce the chance of residential flooding. Storm equipment and personnel are on standby to respond to flooding related emergencies over the next 48 hours..
Motorists should not drive through standing water, near downed trees or utility lines, or around road closure barricades. For additional information or assistance, Drain Maintenance can be reached at the following number 901-357-0100. To report power outages, please call MLGW at 901-544-6500. To report downed trees, please call 311 and to report downed trees after-hours call OEM at 901-636-2525.