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City launches ISB Dashboard to answer public concerns of transparency involving MPD personnel

City launches ISB Dashboard to answer public concerns of transparency involving MPD personnel

As part of Mayor Strickland’s commitment to ensure transparency and accountability,  the Memphis Police Department Inspectional Services Bureau (ISB) dashboard was developed to provide easy access to information and inspire confidence in the men and women of the Memphis Police Department. The dashboard grew from requests made by the public and was a collaboration with the Memphis Police Department, City Attorney’s Office, Communications, Information Technology, and the Office of Performance Management.

The Inspectional Services Bureau conducts all internal investigations involving police personnel, as well as other sensitive investigations. The ISB dashboard is an interactive way to review this bureau’s findings in a timely and organized fashion. The dashboard contains detailed information on alleged violations against officers, including excessive force complaints and response to resistance incidents. The data will be updated quarterly.

“Over the last several months, many hours of work have gone into creating this new dashboard, and I can’t thank our team enough for making it happen,” said Mayor Jim Strickland. “Transparency in all things City government has always been a top priority in this administration. This new tool will only add to that and will serve as another strong tool to hold us accountable and  build trust with the citizens we serve.”

“Our citizens grant the Memphis Police Department the considerable authority needed to perform our duties, and with this authority comes the responsibility to let our community know that it is exercised with oversight,” said MPD Director Michael Rallings. “We hope sharing this information will help strengthen the trust and confidence between MPD and the community we serve.

You can access the dashboard by visiting the Reimagine Policing in Memphis site at